Technical information


Oslo Spektrum Arena AS
Sonja Henies Plass 2,
N-0185 Oslo,

Contact information

Front desk phone: +47 22 05 29 00
Booking: MD, Per-Ole Moen +47 98 22 79

Venue Details

Capacity 4 700 permanent seats in the tribune and 5 600 removable chairs on flexible bleachers and floor, gives a total seated capacity of approximately 10 000. Combine seated and standing audience to get a capacity of up to 11 500 pax.
Arena floor Effective 3400 m². Additionally there are two side rooms of 2 x 230 m² and a room below the main tribune at approximately 500 m².
Sound limit Norwegian regulation: Equivalent noise level three hours 95 dBA. Maximum noise level 110 dBA FAST / 130 dBC PEAK.
Stage Adjustable up to 440 m² and height between 48” (≈ 1,2m) and 72” (≈ 1,81m) Standard size 60’ x 40’ x 60” (≈ 18,3m x 12,2m x 1,505m).

For smaller stages, wings, front of house etc. we can offer heights 1’, 2’ and 3’ (≈ 30cm, 60cm and 90cm). 

Stage type By StageRight Corporation. Imperial measurements. Elements 8’ x 4’. Weight capacity 125 lbs. per square foot (610 kilos per square meter), must be evenly distributed.
Stage skirt Yes, 136’ (41,5 meters) in house.
Barrier Steel Mojo. 110 meters. 
Bike racks In house. 
Power supply On stage level:

400V, three phases, neutral and earth (5 wire). Powerlock connections.

Stage right: Four service powerlocks. 1x125A, 2x63A 2x32A CEE Form 400V . Max. 1250A total.

Stage left 1: Two service powerlocks. Max. 315A total

Stage left 2: One service powerlock. 1x125A, 2x63A, 1x32A CEE Form 400V. Max. 400A total.

Upstage center right: 2x63A, 1x32A CEE Form 400V

Upstage center left: 2x63A, 1x32A CEE Form 400V

FOH: 1x63A CEE Form 400V

On catwalks 6th and 7th floor:

Stage right: Two service powerlocks. Max. 400A total.

Stage left: One service powerlock. Max. 250A total.

Bus power:

Yes, click here for picture of placement.

Internet LAN/WLAN Broadband Internet connections available through LAN or WLAN in arena, backstage area and dressing rooms. LAN on RJ45 10/100/1000 MByte with or without DHCP, WLAN in zone SPEKTRUM (802.11 ac/a/g/n). Call for more info.
Parking Yes, on request. Please note that most of the parking facilities is own by the city so we must apply some time in advance to use it. Click here for details.
Load-in Truck access to stage/arena floor. Load-in gate has 4,5 meters clearance. 
Number of entrances  10 entrances.

Normally for fully seated shows: Entrances #1, #3 and #7.

Normally for GA-shows: Seated audience entrances #1 and #7. GA entrances #5 and #10.

Entrance number #2 can be used for early entry and meet & greet.

Entrance number #9 is for venue hospitality. 

Distance Sweden, Gothenburg 290 km. – 3 hrs. and 17 min. drive

Sweden, Stockholm 525 km. – 6 hrs. drive

Danmark, Copenhagen 560 km. – 6 hrs. and 20 min. drive

Norway, Stavanger 440 km. – 6 hrs. 15 min. drive

Norway, Bergen 460 km. – 6 hrs. 30 min. drive

Norway, Trondheim 490 km. – 6 hrs. 40 min. drive 

Forklift Three forklifts, 2 650 – 3 000 kilos. Max. height 4,4 meter.
Dressing rooms
  • Located one floor below stage level. Access by two elevators and three staircases, one of them appear just behind the stage with direct access to green room. 
  • Green room with sofa and lounge chairs (for up to 10-15 PAX) + TV, alternatively for larger groups standing. 
  • Five large rooms (with one optional i addition; usually used to expand the catering) 
  • Five office-sized rooms 
  • One room with large mirror and lighting ideal for makeup etc. 

All rooms with toilet and shower(s) except room A (only toilet). 

Kitchen/Catering Located one floor below stage level. Access by two elevators, one slightly larger than the other. 

  • One electrical oven and several hot plates – no cooking with gas. 
  • Three large fridges. 
  • Power: 2 x 32 AMPS, 400 volts, three phases, neutral and earth (5-wire). Lots of 16 AMPS, 230 volts, one phase. 
Dining area Up to approximately 60 simultaneously seated. Same location as catering. 
Production Offices One small (usually for promoter) and one large (can be split into two) on backstage left. 

Production office rooms phones, Wi-Fi and hard line on request.

Wash + Fold Laundry  By promoter. See area ideal for washing machine placement by clicking here. 
Dry cleaners  By promoter.
Ice supply By promoter.
Merchandise By Scandinavian Concessions Management AB
Fire doors/gates  Doors and gate openings cannot be blocked or have cables etc. ran through, as these will (and must) be closed in case of a fire alarm. Also, local fire regulations do not allow for this. There are snake runners in most doorways. 
House lights control  Positioned on demand. 
House follow spots  4 x Robert Juliat Aramis HMI 2,5 kW. 
Follow spots location  Above/behind sections 208-211. Approximately 55 meters (180’) shooting distance. 
Multicore run In tunnel, see drawing by clicking here.
Storage Limited, but depending on seated or GA show there will be possible to store in several rooms, as well as in the back stage corridor. On request. 
Pyro Must be approved by local authority and supplied by locally licensed company. Health and safety documentation to be approved by venue in advance. 
Rigging Clearance: 18,3 meters under catwalks, 22,8 meters in between catwalks, high steel 25 meters. No scoreboard.

Rigging access: Catwalks with elevator access.

Rigging facilities: 60 movable 500 kg. hoists, 6 gantry cranes with two 2000 kg. hoists each, 6 movable catwalks with 2000 kg. capacity each in addition to permanent beams. 

Rigging regulations Apply to all personnel engaged in overhead technical rigging, with equipment to be suspended, working in the rigging area, and spotlight operators. The regulations must be read and signed. Hard hats must be worn during the execution of rigging. Hard hats are available at the venue. 
HSE All subcontractors must document to the organizer that they have HSE procedures in place by submitting a declaration of compliance with the Health, Environmental and Safety Regulations. Subcontractors must also be informed of the rules governing rigging in Oslo Spektrum. 
Draping Black backdrop. Lots of black draping for dividing the arena and to cover seat kills. 
Doors Usually 18:30 (6:30 PM). Please note that for a sold out show the venue needs up to 1,5 hours from doors to show start. 
Curfew 24:00 (12:00 midnight). 
General remarks
  • All offices, dressing rooms and common areas have Wi-Fi and wired outlets. 
  • 24 hours access on demand through our front desk, located by entrance number 3 (see picture by clicking here).
  • Curtains and other deco material need to be in compliance with Norwegian standards. They must be of low flammability (B1). Certificates regarding the flammability must be available at all time.